Litigation Group

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 RBC Law Center  is a buyer rights law office involved a group of litigators with effective track records in settling claims against the "Enormous Banks."

As of late, there have been various settlements against Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank and other "Enormous Banks". As of late, Chase bank settled for $13 Billion dollars. This is known to be the biggest settlement in US history made by a bank. With this continuous pattern, RBC lawyers are sure that they will win the multi-offended party arguments they are documenting against 14 Mortgage Lenders. "There is no compelling reason to reinvent the wheel," says a RBC lawyer. "We realize what laws banks have damaged. Banks know they have submitted home loan extortion and cunning loaning; they know they have ill-used the framework; along these lines they are settling." Indeed, the pattern now is for the banks to settle.

One accomplice states "We hand pick particular lawyers with demonstrated track records against the biggest banks. We search out the best to consider the banks responsible."

In February of 2014, an alternate skilled litigator whom is as of late offered in Bloomberg for her work at the NJ Office for the Attorney General, Division of Consumer Affairs – Bureau of securities, joined RBC as an agreement lawyer.

RBC Law Center is headquartered in Midtown East Manhattan on fifth Avenue. As of late, RBC opened an alternate area in the fiscal region of New York specifically on Wall Street. This is truly fitting given the way that Wall Street is the "Epicenter" of the home loan meltdown.